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Chiropractic Care

Adjusting patient's neckMention chiropractic and back or neck pain relief will likely come to mind. At Eastern Hills Chiropractic, our focus is on removing interference from the nervous system, allowing the body to heal itself.

There are three portions of a nerve that can become irritated:

  • Sensory nerve – can cause numbness and sensations such as tingling, shooting, burning, and throbbing
  • Motor nerve – controls muscle spasm, twitching, and weakness
  • Organ nerve – depending on the area, there can be issues with the thyroid, kidney, bladder, lung, etc.

When we remove the interference from the nerve, those issues improve.”
Dr. Matt


Conditions We See

Here are some common issues for which patients seek our care:

  • Back pain
  • Fertility challenges
  • Headaches
  • Sports injuries
  • High blood pressure
  • Neck pain

Our Techniques

We offer an array of highly effective adjusting methods including

  • Diversified
  • Thompson
  • Cox Flexion-Distraction
  • Torque Release Technique
  • Gonstead
  • Extremities

Woman getting back adjustment

Types of Care


This type will be more time intensive/more frequent. The care will depend on what the individual patient needs. Dr. Matt does relief care in regards to where the patient is starting, what he thinks they will need, and then lets their body dictate how frequently they come in.


As a patient transitions from relief care to wellness, they start to feel and function better. Their body is working like it should, so we can start decreasing the frequency of visits. Wellness care allows the body to continue functioning at an optimum level, and decreases the need for relief care moving forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will the adjustment feel like?

Dr. Matt will walk you through how the adjustment will feel before he begins. He’ll also let you know the position in which you’ll be adjusted. Dr. Matt provides customized chiropractic care to get you the best results.

How much will care cost?

If you’re concerned about the financial commitment involved in your care, a member of our staff can go over that with you, so there are no surprises.

Book an Appointment

Discover for yourself the benefits of natural chiropractic care. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Chiropractic Care | (513) 528-2200